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Juha Kokko from Posti and Netum’s Key Account Manager Ted Varila say that trust and open communication are the cornerstones of a good partnership.

CASE: The renewal of Posti’s customer contact system

Netum helped Posti replace its complex and outdated customer communication systems. Now every customer gets tailored service, and Posti has gained competitive advantage by simplifying its processes. The new system is based on sustainable architecture and it is flexible and scalable according changing loads and future development needs.

According to customer feedback, the Netum designed customer contact system, Notification Tool (NTF), significantly improves the customer satisfaction related to parcel delivery.

“All the customer feedback we have received so far has been extremely positive. We wanted to improve our customers’ experience and it looks like we succeeded in it”, says Juha Kokko, Head of Development at Posti Parcel and eCommerce Unit.

Notification Tool identifies the customer critical stages of parcel delivery process and facilitates communication

Posti’s data systems process approximately 2 million transactions per day. Previously, communication from Posti towards its customers was scattered around various systems.

Now, all transactions will be processed within a single system. NTF analyses each transaction and identifies, for example, those parcel transactions in the parcel delivery process that the customer should be contacted about via OmaPosti Service, SMS, or by email. NTF then generates messages, and sends them through the desired channels, either as OmaPosti in-app notifications, SMSes, emails or printed forms.

The new tool facilitates communication directed at customers and help them for example to select an appropriate parcel delivery time. Previously, customer communication took place mostly by phone calls or text messages, and message contact limitations were sometimes problematic. Now, NTF sends the customer a message that prompts them to go to the reservation calendar to select an appropriate delivery time for their parcel.

“We used to play ping-pong with the text messages sent to the customer, as the message content was limited, and the customer was asked to select from alternatives A, B, and C. With the new more modern automated method, we are able to simplify our processes significantly, as well as save time”, Kokko describes.

The new system enables more flexible delivery methods for customers

The updated system has given more flexibility for parcel delivery times. Previously most deliveries were made during office hours when many customers are not at home to receive their parcel. In the system, the parcel notification includes an option on whether the parcel can be left at the customer’s doorstep or whether the customer wants to pick it up later at the nearest post office or parcel locker. A new grouping function also makes receiving parcels more convenient for the customer, as they can now add several parcels into the same delivery.

“A customer had ordered new car tyres, and all four tyres were delivered as several parcels. However, the customer had chosen a delivery time for only one tyre. In the end, the delivery was so large that the customer received one tyre at a time. With the old system, the customer should have understood that they needed to select a delivery time for each parcel separately. But now, it is enough to select it for one parcel if there are several in the same delivery”, Kokko continues.

Sustainable architecture enables system scalability and growth

The new reliable system enables loads that vary between seasons, which is typical for Posti. It is dynamically scalable and does not operate on maximum power constantly, which is essential for the clever use of resources. Its architecture is sustainable and can be scaled according to the current load.

Due to the functional technical structure of the system, new functions and changes of logic can be made easily. The cloud-based solution enables easy and practically endless scalability. This implementation supports Posti in its change of approach towards more agile operation and development.

Netum’s experts know how to ask the right question

Netum and Posti have a long history of partnership. Transaction management system PETS plays a central role in Posti’s operative functions. The system enables parcel tracking and lets the customer know, whether the parcels is being transported or sorted and where it is going next. Understanding the processes and the core operations of Posti was one of the key factors of success in the NTF project.

“Netum has in-depth understanding of our rather complex business processes, which is extremely valuable. Even the newcomer employees have been able to get the hang of our project very quickly. The whole team deserves an applause”, Kokko says and smiles.

Good communication is the cornerstone of a successful project

Despite the challenging project schedule, many typical pitfalls of similar project were avoided, as the partnership was based on open and solution-oriented dialogue.

“The communication between myself and Ted Varila was great all along. I was able to communicate my concerns openly – I know from experience that there are always challenges in these kinds of projects. In this case though, they were almost non-existent. Things were up and running in no time back in August”, Kokko recalls.

A thorough analysis was conducted at the start of the project. It included a review of existing systems and their operational rules, and as a conclusion, all parties reached an understanding of what was required of the new system. The project picked up steam in August after the summer holidays.

The first phase – the selection of parcel delivery time – was finished on schedule by early October. The second phase – selecting the delivery method – was completed in November, as agreed. The last phase is also visible to the customers concerns the grouping of arrival notification replies: if a customer is about to receive several parcels, the reply to the first notification can now be linked to the rest of the parcels.

Posti and Netum – From collaboration into a long-term partnership

The results speak for themselves, and the next steps of the collaboration are already being taken. At the moment, Posti and Netum are developing solutions to improve the ways to make the most of customer data. While updating the old system, Posti is also striving to update its modus operandi, as well as to improve customers’ experience of Posti’s parcel delivery.

Kokko emphasizes that mutual trust is the key factor of good partnership: “Netum is very reliable – when something has been agreed, it is always delivered. Not every IT provider is able to stick to both the budget and schedule. I am very proud of the team and very happy with the results. I am just amazed of what we have been able to achieve already in such a short time!”