Extensive digital service expertise for manufacturing and logistics

Digital solutions to meet your needs

‹ Industries

The Best Solution and Delivery Capability for Digitalisation Projects

Netum’s roots are strongly based in Finland and high-quality technology expertise. We are an experienced and reliable digital service partner that offers companies and organisations a different approach to digital transformation. By understanding change, with extensive know-how and an excellent can-do attitude, we can provide our customers exactly the right solutions for their needs and implement them efficiently and smoothly. Let's build more functional services together - wisely and responsibly!



Cyber security

Cyber security affects the entire organisation. Our experts will help you choose cyber security solutions that make your organisation’s daily operations run reliably and in accordance with digital security requirements.

> Cyber security services

Digital services

We build highly customised applications that are carefully designed for each customer’s operating environment and specific needs. We provide digital services from service design to implementation and maintenance.

> Digital services

Management consulting

We can help your organisation in finding a clear direction for developing your digitalisation capabilities and resources. We take a people-oriented approach to implementing business change through technology.

> Management consulting

Data-driven management

Relevant, up-to-date information should be available when it is needed. Analytics, data warehouses, and modern reporting solutions support intuition and improve decision-making for any type of business.

> Data and analytics services


CxO Data 23.11.2023

Meet us at the CxO Data conference in Helsinki.

Petri Oinonen
Account Director,
Private Sector
+358 50 597 6075