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Modern mobile communication solution offers customer-oriented and agile service to Dieta’s customers

In cooperation with our partner Link Mobility, we developed a mobile communication solution for Dieta Oy that meets their customers' needs and helps them improve their operations to become more customer-oriented. With the solution provided by Netum and LINK, Dieta is able to enhance the reachability of its customer communications, make its operations more efficient and increase customer satisfaction.

Dieta Oy is one of Finland’s leading suppliers of turnkey professional kitchens, and its customers include numerous professional kitchens around the country. According to previously conducted customer satisfaction surveys, there was room for improvement in Dieta’s communication related to maintenance orders. “We have received a clear message from our customers: they always wish to be contacted in advance before our maintenance representative goes to service or repair the customer’s kitchen equipment,” says Juhana Timperi, Aftersales Development Manager at Dieta Oy. Previously, customers were informed of matters related to maintenance orders by phone and email, but Netum and LINK Mobility’s solution made it possible to improve communication significantly.

“We strive to embrace new opportunities to develop our operations with open-minded curiosity. The service provided by LINK and Netum seemed interesting because of its adaptability, easy administration and agility,” Timperi says.

Two-way and smart communication

As a result of the cooperation between Netum and LINK Mobility, Dieta was provided with a mobile communication solution called LINK Conversations, which enables two-way and intelligent communication between end users and the company. Netum integrated and customised the solution to Dieta’s specific needs. A conversation with a customer is started with calls made via the REST API interface, which also return survey-specific responses to Dieta’s system.

“LINK Mobility’s thoroughly documented and diverse LINK Conversations interface made it considerably faster and easier to develop a customised solution for Dieta. This allowed us to create a standardised integration that can be expanded according to Dieta’s needs. Cooperation with both LINK Mobility and Dieta was seamless at every stage of the project,” says Juho Elometsä, Head of Integrations at Netum.

The solution is, above all, characterised by the diverse expertise of everyone involved and the modern service brought to Dieta’s customers as a result of the cooperation. These elements form the very core of successful and effective cooperation – experts in their respective areas work together to develop solutions that create added value for companies and end users.

“Dieta’s enthusiasm and clear vision of the communication solution to be developed steered the project from start to finish. Netum tailored the solution perfectly to Dieta’s communication needs. Data retrieval between different systems and temporary data storage wouldn’t have been possible without Netum’s expertise. The end result was a mobile conversation customised for the end customer, which improves and facilitates communication between the parties. After the project was completed, we were delighted to hear that Dieta had plans to expand the use of the LINK Conversation platform to parallel applications,” says Pasi Toivokoski, Partner Manager at LINK Mobility.

Praise for the ease of use and clear data reporting 

Dieta has been using the solution offered by LINK Mobility and Netum since the end of February 2023, and they have already detected changes in their own operations and customer behaviour. A slight increase in customer satisfaction has been reported in surveys, and the results are actively monitored.

The solution has been smoothly incorporated into the company’s and its customers’ everyday lives. The ease of use of the solution and the clear data reporting, in particular, have received praise from both customers and Dieta. “In early summer, we modified the survey to meet the needs of our product sales department. We’re delighted with how easily and effortlessly the survey can be modified and customised,” Timperi says.

Overall, the project is an excellent example of how mobile communication allows companies to operate in a more customer-oriented way and make their processes more efficient. However, the project would not have been this successful without the diverse expertise at our disposal and the seamless deployment it made possible. It allowed us to customise the solution perfectly to Dieta’s and its customers’ needs. In this way, the solution can be integrated into the company's day-to-day operations and its employees’ procedures, guaranteeing positive results now and in the future.

Dieta Oy

Dieta Oy is one of Finland’s leading suppliers of turnkey professional kitchens. Dieta operates as part of Dieta Group, which has grown strongly in recent years. Our main goal is to help our customers thrive. We provide professional kitchen solutions to customers from cafés and restaurants to hospitals, schools and assisted living facilities with 30 years of solid experience. By offering customised tableware, supplies, equipment, and service solutions, we help our customers repeat their successes. 

LINK Mobility

LINK Mobility is Europe’s leading provider of mobile communication solutions and a bold pioneer in CPaaS. Our goal is to make mobile communication and modern, digital interaction as easy as possible for companies and customers – because every communication matters. LINK Mobility is part of LINK Mobility Group, which has more than 24 offices in 18 countries and its headquarters in Oslo.