Corporate responsibility
Responsible digital transformation
Our target is to be the most trusted partner in its industry and to help our customers in digital transformation in a wise, responsible and secure way. We also want to be the preferred employer in its industry and to offer its employees a fair and pluralistic working community and to ensure the employees' well-being.
Our operating philosophy includes the development of new digital services by combining existing traditional IT solutions with the latest digital applications. Understanding, developing and integrating existing solutions that have been proven to work is both a more responsible, cost-effective and faster way to move into the digital era than renewing everything.
Our digital services enable more efficient business operations in companies and more efficient services in the public sector. Digital services make it possible to reduce emissions and the need for materials and promote circular economy. Making services digital makes them more easily available and usable both for companies and public administration. Our cyber security solutions ensure society's safety and security of supply.
We innovate and constantly develop our own operations. We participates in significant projects in our society and help our customers to develop their business operations through digitalisation. We listen, we support, we utilize the old and we take care of tomorrow. This is how we are building a more responsible and safer society together with our customers.
Main themes of Netum's sustainability program
Services that make society more responsible and information more secure.
Work community
Fair and pluralistic working community. Professional personnel, personnel’s well-being.
Environmentally friendly workplace and operator. Green development of digital services.
Ethical, proactive and profitably growing business.
Netum’s corporate responsibility programme
Netum’s corporate responsibility programme defines the themes, performance indicators and targets related to social, economic, and environmental responsibility. Netum’s responsibility programme is based on the company’s Code of Conduct, environmental policy, UN’s sustainable development goals, the ISO 27001 certificate, audits, and constant interaction with stakeholders. The company regularly measures customer experience and customer satisfaction as well as personnel well-being and feeling good at work.
Netum’s CEO is responsible for the company’s responsibility, and Netum’s Board of Directors has approved the corporate responsibility programme and its targets. The management team and the Board of Directors are kept informed about how the programme is proceeding.
Metrics of the corporate responsibility program
- Services: Customer satisfaction, NPS index of recommendation
- Work community: Age & gender distribution, eNPS index of recommendation, staff turnover %, competence development (used working time % )
- Environment: Green Office certificates, Green development certificates
- Business: EBITA
This is how Netum supports UN’s sustainable development goals
Green development
In practice, green development of digital services means that things are done wisely from the start. The energy consumption of digital services can be significantly reduced by eliminating all unnecessary items from applications. At its simplest, this means, for example, that we strive to design and implement our digital services wisely from the beginning so that they use and maintain as little energy as possible and use only the necessary amount of data. A high-performance system requires fewer resources, is more resilient to failures, and is easy to use and maintain. This saves not only natural resources and effort but also money. Being at the forefront of green development also creates a new kind of meaningfulness to work.
At Netum, we have implemented a Green Developer online course for the entire personnel, which allows each of our employees to promote their competence from green development and coding perspectives. Since many of us work in customer companies and organisations, our green thinking also supports our customers' environmental work.
Green Developer online course
At Netum, we offer our personnel Green Developer online course, which helps us ensure that all Netum employees know how to make the right, responsible and sustainable choices in both customer and internal projects.
- All those who have successfully completed the course have the right to use Netum's Green Developer certificate.
- In the future, every Netum employee will be able to utilise and promote green code thinking in their work.
Green responsibility
As part of the Green Office network, we monitor and report our environmental impacts regularly, striving to reduce our carbon footprint and use natural resources as wisely as possible. Three Netum offices already have Green Office certificates (Yliopistonkatu 58 and Sumeliuksenkatu 18 in Tampere and Kansakoulukatu 1 in Helsinki). We have also started the Group's carbon footprint calculations, which for its part, lay the foundation for future sustainability reporting in accordance with the EU directive.

Netum’s ethical principles and whistleblowing
Netum has defined ethical principles that apply to all employees of the company. The company also strives to ensure that its partners and subcontractors respect Netum’s Code of Conduct and operate in an ethically sustainable way.
Netum encourages its personnel and other stakeholders to report any action against the ethical principles related to the organisation or business operations.
Netum uses a Whistleblowing channel through which one can report any suspicion of misconducts:
Key ethical principles
- We observe the laws
- We respect human rights
- We treat each other equally
- We strive to minimise our impact on the environment
- We maintain information security
- We process personal data in a confidential way
Interaction with stakeholders
An essential part of Netum’s responsibility work is interaction with stakeholders through which their needs and expectations are identified. Netum’s key stakeholders are customers, investors, personnel, partners and subcontractors, universities and education institutions and the media.
With this interaction, Netum is also able to share the company’s strategy and business operations as well as actions, targets, and development of the corporate responsibility programme. Netum evaluates the interaction with its stakeholders through annual personnel surveys and by measuring customer experience both continuously and through regular surveys.
A responsible, resource-wise company that adheres to green values and operates in socially significant projects is also an interesting employer to which it is easier for employees to commit. For employees, meaningfulness, social responsibility, and diversity are increasingly more important than before.
Haluamme ravistella digipalvelualaa kohti vihreämpiä toimintamalleja
Me haluamme tulla tunnetuksi digitaalisten palveluiden vihreänä kehittäjänä ja edelläkävijänä Suomessa.
Vihreä koodi typistää digipalveluiden energiankulutusta
Netumin tavoitteena on toteuttaa vihreää ajattelua kaikissa toteuttamissamme digipalveluissa.
Vastuullisuusjohtaminen ja teknologia-
pohjainen kestävyys avaavat uusia mahdollisuuksia
Vihreästä siirtymästä on tullut määrätietoisen tavoitteellista asiakas- ja markkinalähtöistä toimintaa.

Kaisa Uronen
HR Specialist
Netum Group Plc
+358 40 702 98766
More information.
If you'd like to get more information about our corporate responsibility program, please don't hesitate to ask.